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About us

I am Manisha from the Indian state of Maharashtra. This blog has dedicated to the glory of Hindu temples. Exploring the Hindu temple from ancient to moderns India

Hindu temples have a rich history and cultural significance in Hinduism. They are considered sacred spaces where devotees can connect with their chosen deities and receive blessings. The earliest Hindu temples were simple structures made of wood and thatch, but over time they evolved into grand architectural masterpieces made of stone and marble. These temples often feature intricate carvings, sculptures, and paintings that depict Hindu gods and goddesses, along with stories and teachings from Hindu scriptures. Many temples also have unique architectural features such as multiple shrines, courtyards, and towers. Many Hindu temples are also the center of community life, often hosting festivals and ceremonies, and serving as a place for social and cultural gatherings. Their glory is not only in the architectural grandeur but also in the devotion and spiritual significance they hold for Hindus.

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