Lord Vishnu Narayan Kavach Sanskrit and English shlokas 42


Narayana Kavach is a very concise stotra with only 42 verses. It is believed that whoever chants this Kavach with "loyalty and devotion" benefits. I have benefited from its recitation myself. You all of the faith Also chant this lesson regularly and keep doing karma towards your wishes. This text removes all interruptions.

Narayan Kavach 

In Narayana Kavach, first of all, we sanctify all the parts of our body in the name of Lord Vishnu. This process is called organ trust and tax trust. This is followed by the Narayana Kavach.

Narayana Kavach Path Method | Narayan Kavach In Hindi

1. Trust and Narayana Kavach (with rituals)

2. Narayana Kavach

Narayan Shield Benefits

1. Doing this recitation brings the desired result.

2. Reciting the shield removes all kinds of interruptions.

3. Before reciting, you should resolve your karma or wish.

4. Along with the lesson, you should strive towards your wishes. Lord Vishnu will remove any obstacles that may be interfering with your wishes.

5. In any state you may be in, do this recitation with complete cleanliness and faith to get Narayana Kavach benefits. It is necessary to maintain unwavering faith in Lord Vishnu. You will be blessed with amazing results from this chanting. Even if there are any unknown deficiencies in your sadhana, no negative results are obtained.

Such is the power of Narayana Kavach. Whoever practices Narayana Kavach with full devotion and faith will benefit.

Nyas- First of all, offer obeisances to Lord Ganesha and Lord Narayana and perform Nyas as follows –


ऊँ ऊँ नमः — पदयोः (Combine the index finger and thumb of the right hand and touch both feet)

ऊँ नम नमः — जनुनोः (Combine the index finger and thumb of the right hand and touch both knees)

Om Mom Namah — Urvoh (Combine the index finger and thumb of the right hand and touch the thighs of both feet)

ऊँ नमः — Udare (touch the abdomen by combining the index finger and thumb of the right hand)

ऊँ रं नमः — Hridi (Touch the heart with the middle, forefinger, and index finger)

ऊँ यं नमः – Urasi (touch chest with middle, forefinger, and index finger)

ऊँ णं नमः — in the face (touch the face with the combination of index finger and thumb)

ऊँ यं नमः — to the head (touch the head with the combination of index and middle finger)

Hand positioning

ऊँ ऊँ नमः — Dakshinatarjanyaam (Touch the tip of the right index finger with the right thumb)

ऊँ नम नमः —-दक्षिणमध्यमायाम् (touch the upper portion of the middle finger of the right hand with the right thumb)

ऊँ मं नमः —Dakshinanamikayam (Touch the upper portion of the forefinger of the right hand with the right thumb)

ऊँ भं नमः —-दक्षिणकास्थितिकायाम् (touch the upper portion of the lower arm with the right thumb)

ऊँ गं नमः —-वामकणिषिकायाम् (Touch the upper portion of the lower arm of the left hand with the left thumb)

ऊँ वं नमः —-वामानिकायाम् (touch the upper portion of the forefinger of the left hand with the left thumb)

ऊँ ते नमः —-वाममध्यमायाम् (touch the upper portion of the middle of the left hand with the left thumb)

ऊँ वान् नमः — Touch the upper portion of the index finger of the left hand with the left thumb)

ऊँ सुं नमः —-DAKSHINAANGUSHTHORDHVAPARVANI (Touch the upper end of the thumb of the right hand with the four fingers of the right hand)

ऊँ दें नमः —–दक्षिणाङ्गुष्थाधः पर्वणि (touch the lower portion of the thumb of the right hand with the four fingers of the right hand)

ऊँ वान् नमः —–वामाङ्गुष्ठोर्ध्वपर्वणि (touch the upper portion of the left thumb with the four fingers of the left hand)

ऊँ यं नमः ——वामाङ्गुष्थाधः पर्वणि (touch the lower end of the thumb of the left hand with the four fingers of the left hand)


Om Om Namah ————Hridaye (Touch the heart with index finger, middle finger and forefinger)

ऊँ विं नमः ————-murdhani (touch the joint head of the middle finger)

ऊँ षं नमः —————in the middle of the eyebrows (touch both eyebrows with index finger, middle)

ऊँ णं नमः —————shikhayam (touch the Sikha with the thumb)

Om Ven Namah —————Netrayoh (Touch both eyes with index finger, middle)

ऊँ नं नमः —————sarvasandhishu (Touch all the joints of the body with the index finger, middle finger and forefinger. e.g. – shoulder, knee, elbow etc.)

oom mah astray phat — prachyam (pinch east)

oom mah astray phat –Agne yam (pinch in the firing angle)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रट् — dakshinasyam (pinch to the south)

Om Mah Astraya Phat — Nairtye (Pinch in the southwest corner)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रत् — Pratichyam (Pinch to the west)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रट् — in the northwest (pinch in the air angle)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रट् — Udichyaam (Pinch to the north)

Om Mah Astraya Phat — Aishanyaam (Pinch in the northeast corner)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रट् — pinch upwards (pinch upwards)

ऊँ मः अत्राय प्रट् — in the lips (pinch downwards)

Sri Harih Atha Sri Narayana Kavacha ( Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 6 , A. 8

नारायण कवच प्रारम्भ ;


यया गुप्तः सहस्त्राक्षः सवाहान् रिपुसैनिकान्।

क्रीडन्निव विनिर्जित्य त्रिलोक्या बुभुजे श्रियम्।।१

भगवंस्तन्ममाख्याहि वर्म नारायणात्मकम्।

यथाssततायिनः शत्रून् येन गुप्तोsजयन्मृधे।।२

Narayana Kavach Start ;

।।The King said।।

She protected the thousand-eyed Savaha and the enemy soldiers.

He conquered them as if playing and enjoyed the prosperity of the three worlds

O venerable one tell me that shield consisting of Narayana

as the sisters conquered their enemies in battle by whom they were protected

King Parikshit asked: Lord! You are not the one whom Indra, the king of the gods, protected from and spontaneously conquered the four-armed army of enemies in play and enjoyed the kingdom of Lakshmi of the three worlds Recite the Rayana Kavach and also explain how he was protected by it and conquered the invading enemies on the battlefield

।।श्रीशुक उवाच।।

वृतः पुरोहितोस्त्वाष्ट्रो महेन्द्रायानुपृच्छते।

नारायणाख्यं वर्माह तदिहैकमनाः शृणु।।३

।।Sri Shuka said।।

Asked by the priest Tvastra inquires of Indra

He spoke of the shield called Narayana, so listen to it with one mind

विश्वरूप उवाचधौताङ्घ्रिपाणिराचम्य सपवित्र उदङ् मुखः।

कृतस्वाङ्गकरन्यासो मन्त्राभ्यां वाग्यतः शुचिः।।४

नारायणमयं वर्म संनह्येद् भय आगते।

पादयोर्जानुनोरूर्वोरूदरे हृद्यथोरसि।।५

मुखे शिरस्यानुपूर्व्यादोंकारादीनि विन्यसेत्।

ॐ नमो नारायणायेति विपर्ययमथापि वा।।६

Sri Shukadevaji said: Parikshit! When the gods made Visvaroopa the priest, then when Indra, the king of the gods, asked him, Visvaroopa preached the Narayana Kavach

Visvaroopa said: Having washed his feet and hands, he purified himself and turned his face to the north.

He has done his own limbs and hands and is cleansed by the mantras and by controlling his speech

Arm yourself with the shield of Narayana when fear comes.

On the feet, knees, thighs, thighs, abdomen, heart, and chest

One should place the vowels and others in the mouth in order of the head.

Om Namo Narayanaye or the opposite

Visvaroopa said – Indra, king of the gods! When the opportunity of fear presents itself, one should protect his body by wearing Narayana Kavach. His method is to first wash his hands and feet and perform a achamana, then sit facing north with the sacredness of Kush in his hand Decide not to speak and perform the heart and thumb positions by chanting the mantras “Om Namo Narayanaaya” and “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya” with purity, stomach, heart, chest, mouth, and head or the eight letters of the above-mentioned mantra from Yakara to Omkara should be placed in the same eight limbs in reverse order starting from the head

करन्यासं ततः कुर्याद् द्वादशाक्षरविद्यया।


Then one should place the hands in the twelve-syllable Vidya.


Then place the twelve letters of the twelve-syllable mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya” in the eight fingers of both hands and two knots of both thumbs from the right index finger to the left index finger

न्यसेद् हृदय ओङ्कारं विकारमनु मूर्धनि।

षकारं तु भ्रुवोर्मध्ये णकारं शिखया दिशेत्।।८

वेकारं नेत्रयोर्युञ्ज्यान्नकारं सर्वसन्धिषु।

मकारमस्त्रमुद्दिश्य मन्त्रमूर्तिर्भवेद् बुधः।।९

सविसर्गं फडन्तं तत् सर्वदिक्षु विनिर्दिशेत्।

ॐ विष्णवे नम इति ।।१०

One should place the heart Omkara followed by Vikara on the head.

The s should be directed between the eyebrows and the n with the tip

Ve kara should be used in the eyes and the n kara in all the joints.

Mercury should become the idol of the mantra by directing the Makara weapon

It should be directed in all directions while it is bearing fruit with its consonants

Om Vishnuve Namah

Then “Om Vishnuve Namah” the first letter of this mantra 'Om' in the heart, 'Vi' in the Brahmarandhra, 'Sha' between the eyebrows, 'N' in the peak, 'Ve' in both the eyes and One should place 'N' in all the knots of the body and then say 'Om Mah Astraya Phat' and make a directional bond

One should meditate on the Supreme Self, the object of meditation, endowed with the six energies.

आत्मानं परमं ध्यायेद ध्येयं षट्शक्तिभिर्युतम्।

विद्यातेजस्तपोमूर्तिमिमं मन्त्रमुदाहरेत ।।११

One should meditate on the Supreme Self, the object of meditation, endowed with the six energies.

One should chant this mantra, the embodiment of knowledge, effulgence, and austerity

Then meditate on the desired Lord, who is full of all wealth, religion, fame, fortune, knowledge, and renunciation, and contemplate yourself in that form. Then recite this Kavach in the form of knowledge, splendor, and austerity

ॐ हरिर्विदध्यान्मम सर्वरक्षां न्यस्ताङ्घ्रिपद्मः पतगेन्द्रपृष्ठे।

दरारिचर्मासिगदेषुचापाशान् दधानोsष्टगुणोsष्टबाहुः ।।१२

ॐ Hari places all his protection on the back of the lord of birds.

He is eight-fold and eight-armed, holding a sword, a sword, club, a bow, and a rope

Lord Srihari is holding His lotus feet on the back of Garudji, Anima and the other eight Siddhis are serving Him. In His eight hands He holds conch, Chakra, shield, sword, mace, arrow, bow, and rope (trap) He is Omkar May the Lord of form protect me in all ways and from all sides

जलेषु मां रक्षतु मत्स्यमूर्तिर्यादोगणेभ्यो वरूणस्य पाशात्।

स्थलेषु मायावटुवामनोsव्यात् त्रिविक्रमः खेऽवतु विश्वरूपः ।।१३

May the fish figure in the waters protect me from the hosts of the Yadus and from the noose of Varuna.

May Maya Vatu Vamana protect me on the ground and Visvaroopa protect me in the sky May Lord Matsyamurti protect me from aquatic animals underwater and from the noose of Varuna. May Lord Vamana, who assumes the form of a celibate from Maya, protect me on the ground and Lord Visvaroopa, Sri Trivikrama, protect me in the sky

दुर्गेष्वटव्याजिमुखादिषु प्रभुः पायान्नृसिंहोऽसुरयुथपारिः।

विमुञ्चतो यस्य महाट्टहासं दिशो विनेदुर्न्यपतंश्च गर्भाः ।।१४

May the lord Nrishimha, the protector of the hosts of demons, protect me in fortresses like Vata, Vyajimukha, and others.

When he let out a loud laugh the directions roared and the wombs fell down

May Lord Nrishimha, the enemy of the demon commanders, whose terrible laughter echoed in all directions and whose pregnant wives of the demons fell pregnant, protect me in fortresses, forests, battlefields, and other difficult places

May that boar who is like a sacrifice and whose fangs are raised protect me on the road

रक्षत्वसौ माध्वनि यज्ञकल्पः स्वदंष्ट्रयोन्नीतधरो वराहः।

रामोऽद्रिकूटेष्वथ विप्रवासे सलक्ष्मणोsव्याद् भरताग्रजोsस्मान् ।।१५

Rama, the elder brother of Bharata, protected us with Lakshmana while we were in exile on the mountain peaks

May Lord Varaha, the sacrificial idol who lifts the earth on his beard, protect me on the path, on the peaks of the mountains, on the peaks of the mountains, on the peaks of the mountains, and on the elder brother of Bharata, Lord Ramachandra, along with Lakshmana

मामुग्रधर्मादखिलात् प्रमादान्नारायणः पातु नरश्च हासात्।

दत्तस्त्वयोगादथ योगनाथः पायाद् गुणेशः कपिलः कर्मबन्धात् ।।१६

May Narayana protect me from all negligence of terrible religion and from the laughter of men.

May Datta, the Lord of Yoga, protect me from the bondage of karma, the lord of virtues, Kapila

सनत्कुमारो वतु कामदेवाद्धयशीर्षा मां पथि देवहेलनात्।

देवर्षिवर्यः पुरूषार्चनान्तरात् कूर्मो हरिर्मां निरयादशेषात् ।।१७

May Sanatkumara protect me from the god of desire and from the neglect of the gods on the way.

The best of the gods and sages, after worshiping the Purusha, the tortoise, Hari, took me from the rest of hell

May Paramarshi Sanatkumara protect me from Kamadeva, Lord Hayagriva from the offense of not offering obeisances to the idols of the gods while walking on the path, Devarshi Narada from the offenses of service, and Lord Kachchapa from all kinds of hell

धन्वन्तरिर्भगवान् पात्वपथ्याद् द्वन्द्वाद् भयादृषभो निर्जितात्मा।

यज्ञश्च लोकादवताज्जनान्ताद् बलो गणात् क्रोधवशादहीन्द्रः ।।१८

May Lord Dhanvantari, the bull, the conquered soul, protect me from the path of duality, from fear.

Yajna also descended from the world from the end of the people and Bala from the host of serpents in anger

May Lord Dhanvantari protect me from evil, Lord Jitendra from fearful dualities such as happiness and sorrow, Lord Yajna from the exception of the world, Balarama from man-made sufferings, and Sri Shesha from the hordes of snakes called Krodhavashana

Lord Dvaipayanas from enlightenment, and the Buddha from the host of heretics from negligence.

द्वैपायनो भगवानप्रबोधाद् बुद्धस्तु पाखण्डगणात् प्रमादात्।

कल्किः कले कालमलात् प्रपातु धर्मावनायोरूकृतावतारः ।।१९

May Kalki, who has incarnated in the forest of Dharma, fall from the stain of time in Kali

Lord Sri Krishna Dvepayana Vyasaji, protect me from ignorance and Buddha from heretics and negligence May Lord Kalki, who assumes the great incarnation who protects religion, protect me from the evils of the sinful Kali-yuga

मां केशवो गदया प्रातरव्याद् गोविन्द आसङ्गवमात्तवेणुः।

नारायण प्राह्ण उदात्तशक्तिर्मध्यन्दिने विष्णुररीन्द्रपाणिः ।।२०

May Lord Keshava protect me in the morning with his mace, after a few days of climbing, Lord Govinda with his flute, in the afternoon with his sharp power, Lord Narayana with his sharp power, and in the afternoon with Lord Vishnu with his Chakraraja SudarshanMay the god Madhava protect me in the afternoon with his fierce bow in the evening and in the three worlds.

देवोsपराह्णे मधुहोग्रधन्वा सायं त्रिधामावतु माधवो माम्।

दोषे हृषीकेश उतार्धरात्रे निशीथ एकोsवतु पद्मनाभः ।।२१

n the case of evil, O Hrishikesha, may the lotus navel alone protect you at midnight

The next night is the abode of Srivatsa, the Lord is the Lord of the morning, the Lord of the sword, Janardana.

Lord Damodara, the Supreme Lord of the universe, in the form of time, opened the door in the morning

May Sri Hari, the characteristic of Sri Vatsala, protect me in the last hour of the night, Lord Janardana, the sword-bearer at dawn, Sri Damodara, before sunrise, and Lord Visvesvara, the idol of the time, throughout the evenings

In the third hour, Lord Madhusoodana protect me with his mighty bow. In the evening, Lord Madhava, who holds the three forms of Brahma and others, after sunset, Lord Hrishikesh, before midnight, and at midnight, Lord Padmanabha alone protects me

श्रीवत्सधामापररात्र ईशः प्रत्यूष ईशोऽसिधरो जनार्दनः।

दामोदरोऽव्यादनुसन्ध्यं प्रभाते विश्वेश्वरो भगवान् कालमूर्तिः ।।२२

The next night is the abode of Srivatsa, the Lord is the Lord of the morning, the Lord of the sword, Janardana.

Lord Damodara, the Supreme Lord of the universe, in the form of time, opened the door in the morning

May Sri Hari, the characteristic of Sri Vatsala, protect me in the last hour of the night, Lord Janardana, the sword-bearer at dawn, Sri Damodara, before sunrise, and Lord Visvesvara, the idol of the time, throughout the evenings

चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनेमि भ्रमत् समन्ताद् भगवत्प्रयुक्तम्।

दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमासु कक्षं यथा वातसखो हुताशः ।।२३

The wheel, used by the Lord, rotates on all sides like a sharp wheel of fire at the end of the ages.

Burn the army of the enemy in the months like fire, a friend of the wind

Sudarshan! Your shape is like a chakra ( chariot wheel ) Your edge is very intense like apocalyptic fire. You move about everywhere under the inspiration of the Lord, just as fire burns dry grass with the help of the wind, so you burn our enemy army as soon as possible

गदेऽशनिस्पर्शनविस्फुलिङ्गे निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि।

कूष्माण्डवैनायकयक्षरक्षोभूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन् ।।२४

You are dear to the conqueror, who is crushed by the touch of the club and the spark of a thunderbolt.

Crush the Kushmanda, Vinayaka, Yaksha, Raksha, Bhuta, and Graha, the crushing enemies

Kaumud ki gada! The touch of sparks emanating from you is unbearable like a thunderbolt. You are the beloved of Lord Ajit and I am his servant do it.24

त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रेतमातृपिशाचविप्रग्रहघोरदृष्टीन्।

दरेन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितो भीमस्वनोऽरेर्हृदयानि कम्पयन् ।।२५

You are the demon, the giant, the ghost, the mother, the devil, the brahmin, the terrible-eyed.

O lord of the caves drive away the terrible sound filled with darkness shaking the hearts of the enemy

Shankhashrestha! You should shake the hearts of my enemies with the terrible sound of Lord Krishna's blowing and drive away the terrible creatures like Yatudhan, Pramatha, Pret, Matrika, Pisacha, and Brahmarakshas from here immediately

Used by the Lord, cut off the army of the enemy with your sharp-edged sword

त्वं तिग्मधारासिवरारिसैन्यमीशप्रयुक्तो मम छिन्धि छिन्धि।

चर्मञ्छतचन्द्र छादय द्विषामघोनां हर पापचक्षुषाम् २६

Cover the skin of the hundred moons and remove the sinful eyes of the enemies

God's best sword! Your edge is very sharp. By the inspiration of God, you shall shatter my enemies. God's dear shield! You have hundreds of moon-shaped orbs. You close the eyes of the sinful enemies and make them blind forever

यन्नो भयं ग्रहेभ्यो भूत् केतुभ्यो नृभ्य एव च।

सरीसृपेभ्यो दंष्ट्रिभ्यो भूतेभ्योंऽहोभ्य एव वा ।।२७

सर्वाण्येतानि भगन्नामरूपास्त्रकीर्तनात्।

प्रयान्तु संक्षयं सद्यो ये नः श्रेयः प्रतीपकाः ।।२८

That we may be afraid of the planets, stars, and men.

From reptiles or from the fangs of beings or from the days

All these are by chanting the name of the Lord in the form of weapons.

May those who oppose our welfare go to destruction at once Whatever we fear from the sun and other planets, comets (tail stars) and other Ketu, evil men, snakes, and other creeping animals, bearded violent animals, ghosts, and other sinful creatures, and whatever is opposed to our welfare – they all belong to God By chanting the names, forms, and weapons, they should be immediately destroyed.27-2

गरूड़ो भगवान् स्तोत्रस्तोभश्छन्दोमयः प्रभुः।

रक्षत्वशेषकृच्छ्रेभ्यो विष्वक्सेनः स्वनामभिः ।।२

May Visvaksena protects us from the remaining troubles by His own names

May Lord Garuda, the idol of the VedasGaruda is the divine stotra, the stobha, the lord of the chandas.

, who is praised by the Samaveda hymns like Brihad, Rathantara, and others, and Vishvaksenji, save us from all kinds of calamities by the effect of chanting their names

सर्वापद्भ्यो हरेर्नामरूपयानायुधानि नः।

बुद्धिन्द्रियमनः प्राणान् पान्तु पार्षदभूषणाः ।।३०

Our chariots in the form of the name of Hari are our weapons from all calamities

May the ornaments of the associates protect my intellect, senses, mind, and life

May the name, form, vehicle, weapon and best associate of Sri Hari protect our intellect, senses, mind, and souls from all kinds of objections

यथा हि भगवानेव वस्तुतः सद्सच्च यत्।

सत्यनानेन नः सर्वे यान्तु नाशमुपाद्रवाः ।।३१

For as the Lord Himself is in fact the good and the true.

May all our troubles be destroyed by the bath of truth

यथैकात्म्यानुभावानां विकल्परहितः स्वयम्।

भूषणायुद्धलिङ्गाख्या धत्ते शक्तीः स्वमायया ।।३२

तेनैव सत्यमानेन सर्वज्ञो भगवान् हरिः।

पातु सर्वैः स्वरूपैर्नः सदा सर्वत्र सर्वगः ।।३३

May all our troand others

One who assumes this Vaishnava knowledge is never afraid of kings, bandits, ghosts, vampires, etc.,

rubles be destroyed by the influence of this truth that all the work or cause forms of the world are actually God

as He Himself is without an alternative to the feelings of oneness.

By her own illusory energy, she assumes the powers known as ornaments and battle lingers

By that very truthfulness the omniscient Lord Hari.

May the omnipresent always protect us in all forms everywhere

विदिक्षु दिक्षूर्ध्वमधः समन्तादन्तर्बहिर्भगवान् नारसिंहः।

प्रहापयँल्लोकभयं स्वनेन ग्रस्तसमस्ततेजाः ।।३४

Lord Narasimha is in all directions, up and down, all around, inside and out.

They threw away the fear of the world and all their splendor was swallowed up by their sound May Lord Nrishinha, who dispels the fear of all with His terrible laughter and who swallows the splendor of all with His splendor, protect us in all directions, up and down, outside and inside

मघवन्निदमाख्यातं वर्म नारयणात्मकम्।

विजेष्यस्यञ्जसा येन दंशितोऽसुरयूथपान् ।।३५

This shield is described as that of Indra and is composed of Narayana.

You will easily conquer the leaders of the demons who have been bitten by him

Indra, king of the gods!

एतद् धारयमाणस्तु यं यं पश्यति चक्षुषा।

पदा वा संस्पृशेत् सद्यः साध्वसात् स विमुच्यते ।।३६

Indra, king of the gods! I have told you this Narayana Kavach. Just protect yourself with this Kavach, then you will spontaneously conquer all the demon leaders

Whoever sees this with his eyes while holding it or touching his feet is immediately freed from fearWhoever the man wearing this Narayana Kavach sees with his eyes or touches with his feet, immediately from all fears gets rid of 36

न कुतश्चित भयं तस्य विद्यां धारयतो भवेत्।

राजदस्युग्रहादिभ्यो व्याघ्रादिभ्यश्च कर्हिचित् ।।३७

May all our there is no fear anywhere for him who holds that knowledge.

Sometimes from kings, thieves, crocodiles, tigers, and others

One who assumes this Vaishnava knowledge is never afraid of kings, bandits, ghosts, vampires, etc., and violent creatures like tigers

इमां विद्यां पुरा कश्चित् कौशिको धारयन् द्विजः।

योगधारणया स्वाङ्गं जहौ स मरूधन्वनि ।।३८

तस्योपरि विमानेन गन्धर्वपतिरेकदा।

ययौ चित्ररथः स्त्रीर्भिवृतो यत्र द्विजक्षयः ।।३९

गगनान्न्यपतत् सद्यः सविमानो ह्यवाक् शिराः।

स वालखिल्यवचनादस्थीन्यादाय विस्मितः।

प्रास्य प्राचीसरस्वत्यां स्नात्वा धाम स्वमन्वगात् ।।४०

In the past, a certain Kausika brahmin possessed this knowledge

By practicing yoga he gave up his body in the desert

Devraj! It is said that in ancient times, a Kausika Brahmin, having possessed this knowledge, gave up his body in the desert through the practice of yoga

Once the lord of the Gandharvas flew over it in an aerial chariot

Chitraratha surrounded by women went to the place where the brahmins had died

One day, Chitraratha, the king of the Gandharvas, with his wives, rode out of the place where the body of the Brahmin lay

He immediately fell from the sky with his head speechless

At the words of Valakhilya, he took the bones and was astonished

He took his bath in the eastern Saraswati and returned to his abode

As soon as he arrived there, he fell from the sky to the earth with the plane headed downwards This incident knew no bounds of his astonishment when he was told by Balakhilya sages that it was the effect of wearing Narayana Kavacha, then he the bones of that brahmin god He took it and flowed it into the eastern river Saraswati and then after taking a bath he went to his world

।।श्रीशुक उवाच।।

य इदं शृणुयात् काले यो धारयति चादृतः।

तं नमस्यन्ति भूतानि मुच्यते सर्वतो भयात् ।।४१

।।Sri Shuka said।।

He who hears this in time and holds it with respect.

Beings will bow down to him and he will be freed from fear on all sides

Sri Shukadevaji says – Parikshit, the man who hears this Narayana Kavach in time and who wears it with respect, all beings bow down with respect before him and he is freed from all kinds of fears

This knowledge was attained by Visvaroopa, the hundred sacrifices.

He enjoyed the opulence of the three worlds having defeated the demons in battle,

एतां विद्यामधिगतो विश्वरूपाच्छतक्रतुः।

त्रैलोक्यलक्ष्मीं बुभुजे विनिर्जित्यऽमृधेसुरान् ।।४२

Parikshit! Shatakratu Indra received this Vaishnava knowledge from Acharya Visvarupji and conquered the demons on the battlefield and they began to enjoy the three worlds. 42

।।इति श्रीनारायणकवचं सम्पूर्णम्।।

( श्रीमद्भागवत स्कन्ध 6 , अ। 8 )

।।This is the complete Sri Narayana Kavacham।।

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